Mission Moments: Jeff’s Y

At the Y, Jeff found small steps make a big difference.

When Jeff Seltzer first came to The YMCA of Reading & Berks County’s Adamstown branch, he had been living with a life-changing medical diagnosis. A degenerative disease had impacted his physical movement and balance. He could no longer go to work. And isolation was becoming a real threat. But in 2022, Jeff walked into the Y and took a step that would help him regain some of what he had been losing.

At first, he thought it would be beneficial to use the treadmill and walk a little each day, but the Silver Sneakers classes quickly caught his attention. He decided to join in – a decision that would become another life-changing event for Jeff.

“[The classes] are not physically taxing, but they keep me moving,” says Jeff as he joyfully demonstrates how he can touch his right foot to his left knee as he slowly crosses his leg – a movement some take for granted, but a major milestone for Jeff, who had been unable to touch his toes in over five years. “I can do this now,” he says. “And I give credit to moving.”

Jeff looks forward to taking group fitness classes offered at the Y to keep him socially engaged and his body moving. Small steps have made a big difference.

"I have to admit I wouldn’t have done this stuff on my own. It’s because of coming here and doing these classes I’m learning these things. It’s very beneficial."

Over time, Jeff discovered the simple exercises he had been doing were making a real difference. Due to his condition, he has difficulty reaching the floor because it’s too painful. “If I drop anything, I don’t even bend over and try to pick it up,” he explains. “One morning in my bedroom I knocked something down and I subconsciously bent down and picked it up and stood up – and I was like ‘What did I just do?!”

Jeff is now a regular at the Y, riding his recumbent bike to classes four times a week when it’s warm outside. He participates in the Silver Sneakers class as well as stability and stretching classes. As much as he enjoys the classes and the results, he says it’s the people that keep him coming back.

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